When Marion Cotillard was cast in Dark Knight Returns, many Batman fans thought she would be playing the daughter of everyone's favorite Demon Head, Talia al Ghul. Apparently this is not the case. Officially Cotillard will be playing Miranda Tate, a board member of Wayne Enterprises.
Another original Christoper Nolan love interest.
Do I think Bruce needs another love interest like Rachel Dawes? Not at all. The fans don't feel loyal to her because she's an original character, and everyone else dislikes her because, well Rachel was a pretty damn mediocre character for such an awesome franchise.Also she slapped Batman. You do not slap Batman.
But if you ask me (and unfortunately if you continue reading this you are technically asking me), I think this Miranda Tate dame will end up being a cover for Talia al Ghul. If you were trying to infiltrate a company owned by Bruce Wayne, al Ghul isn't exactly a great name to go with.
Though this may be just the wishful hopes of a Talia fan. I mean, I did name my cat after her.
A little more clever than naming a cat Selina |