Friday, March 18, 2011

Red Robin

I had done it.

I had finally come to terms with Tim Drake's new uniform. I moved past the bowl shaped cowl and left the Doctor Mid-Nite jokes in the past. As a mature responsible adult I finally accepted that some things change and some characters are going to evolve into people with horrendous costumes and names. Then this happened:
*insert angelic choir here*

Red Robin 19. Red Robins adventures in the Unternet, gave him a snazzy new costume, one that Drake can pull off quite nicely. It has an obvious Nightwing feel, but with a few alterations it could be a hella lot better than the costume he currently wears.

But alas the issue ended and Tim was back in his usual uniform, and I thought that was it for awesome-costume-2.0. Buuuuutt as many of you know, it came back in Red Robin 21. This gives me hope for a cowl-less future for Mr. Drake, which is a nice future since Tim has such great hair, and really his facial structure is much better suited to a domino mask.

Obviously when Red Robin 19 came out fans went crazy over the new costume, so the creative team brought it back, and hey maybe it won't be put away forever. I used my detective skills and found out that we may be seeing the costume again.
my detective skills at work

So here's to a possible new costume! Our next goal? Name change.
mmm justice

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