Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Music of Zelda: Prelude

Tomorrow is the day Zelda fans have been waiting for. It's been six years since a console release and even though there's been two pretty good DS games to help me get by, this is what I've been anticipating ever since I finished Twilight Princess. Tomorrow on my break I will go and get my pre-ordered copy of Skyward Sword, and then finished what will most likely be the longest shift of my life. With Skyward Sword is a 25th anniversary orchestra CD, which I am equally excited for. I've been wondering what songs could be on the CD and here's some of my favorite's which I hope will make the cut. I'll extend this list soon, think of it as a teaser. A teaser to great music, and who knows with Skyward Sword out I might have some new favorites within a week.

Legend of Zelda Theme
Anyone who doesn't include this song on a list is only doing to seem cool and different. This one is an obvious pick so I thought I'd throw it out there first. It's a classic it's been there from the beginning, it makes me want to stab a Octorok and ride around on a horse. It's awesome.

 The Song of Healing
 I am not a Majora's Mask fan. I might go into the details why another time, but lets just say it scares the crap out of me. Even though I don't enjoy the game, it has one of my favorite songs in the series. The Song of Healing haunts you, which makes sense when you're looking at what game it comes from. It can be nice and calming if you try to forget that you played it before taking the image of a dying Zora. I also think it's funny that it's Saria's song backwards since that would be on the list of my least favorite LoZ songs.

Temple of Time 
I associate this song with the first time I realized just how big Ocarina was. I was pretty young when I played it and thought reaching the temple with the three Spiritual Stones was pretty much if for the game. Anyone who has played the game can get how wrong I was.It was just the beginning. Temple of Time is the song that sticks out in my mind when I exited the temple seven years older with a brand new mission. Which means I associate it with seeing the ReDeads for the first time. Even with that I still love the song.

Ballad of the Wind Fish
I don't know what makes this song stick out so much.Probably because it makes me feel depressed due to the whole island fading away deal. You gather the instruments and save the day, but is it really a win? That island had a Chain Chomp for god sakes!

Fairy Fountain
It's not so much the song itself, but what it represents. The next time most fans will hear this tune is when they put their new game into the Wii. The Fairy Fountain represents the beginning of everything. The start of a journey into a new world, a new addition to Zelda's history, new friends, new foe's, new weapons, a new sidekick and a complete loss of one's social life. Enjoy fellow fans. Enjoy.

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