Sunday, July 17, 2011

DCU 52 4: Live Free or Relaunch

Blue Beetle
Well I love Jaime I’d just rather see him with the JSI. Also one time the Scarab made a South Park reference…if that could happen again it would just be peachy.

Suicide Squad
Many important changes are being made in the DCU, and none more important than turning Harley Quinn into a slutty clown who won’t be able to move without a boob slip

Legion Lost/Legion of Superheroes
I’ve never been much of a Legion fan, but Legion Lost looks interesting, I’ll probably stay away from LoS.

Teen Titans
What are they doing to these characters?? Why is Cassie a thief?? At least Tim has a domino mask, but I’m not happy this is his prominent series.

Static Shock
I could go for this, but as usual I will make my prerequisite complaint about how Tim deserves his own series more.

Hawk and Dove
This is a series I’m looking forward to since Birds of Prey is jumping the shark(jumping the King Shark?) This is going to be the most prominent versions of Hawk and Dove I’ve ever been exposed to.

Action Comics
Grant Morrison you say? This should be awesome. I’ll just probably have to read it 4 times to understand it.

I wish George Perez was writing and illustrating, but I’ll take George Perez in anything.

“the same powers as Superman and none of his affection for the people of Earth”. Great, once we finally have a set version of Kara’s personality we have to shake it up again. Plus what is with the knee-less boots? Actually ….I kinda like them.

Another series where it looks like they will change the character a lot. Boo. Again Tim Drake series > Superboy.

I hope the DC characters plays nice with the new Wildstorm people. They’re new you know.

This looks pretty cool actually, but I’d want at least an appearance by Zinda Blake

Sgt Rock and the Men of War
No, this is not Call of Duty

All-Star Western
I really should start reading Jonah Hex eh. But I do prefer my westerns to be in space.

COOL. Uniforms slightly confusing. But, COOL.

I don’t know who this is….. Deadpool?

I’d like to end on a strong note but I literally can’t form an opinion on OMAC. So. Yeah.  

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