Monday, July 11, 2011

DCU 52 Overview

As most people know by now DC comics is re-launching. There will be 52 new comics premiering in September. With this new re-launch I’ve decided to do an in-depth analysis of each of the new comics, and by in-depth analysis I mean 1-3 sentences pulled right out of my ass. Here we go.

Justice League: Dark
I will buy anything with Deadman in it. Also seriously, how do you pronounce Constantine? Is it like teen or tyne?

Swamp Thing
I know not much can compare with Alan Moore’s run on Swamp Thing, but Scott Snyder’s pretty fricken awesome. I go into this one with no helpful knowledge, but a lot of faith.

Animal Man
I’ve never really had the chance to read Animal Man, all I know is that his name is Buddy and he has some “will they won’t they” sexual tension with Starfire…Hopefully the series won’t be about either of those things, I’ll give-er a shot though.

Demon Knights
I like the Middle Ages and rhyming so I’m a go for this one.

Frankenstein: Agent of Shade
Never read Frankenstein as a DC character is he supposed to be Frankenstein’s Monster or Frankenstein himself? How close is this to the Shelly version? How obvious is it that I did no research on the character?

Resurrection Man
I’ve seen this guy appear a few times across the DCU, and I’m intrigued to see the tragic tale they will weave about a man who cannot die, and must bear the burden of becoming accustom to a new power with each life. That or I’m excited to see the violently creative ways they kill him each time.

I, Vampire
I already have my fill with American Vampires. Also I think its strange having a series called I, Vampire and another one called iZombie. I’m looking forward to the 2012 release of I, Mummy (mummies are due for a return).

Don’t really know this character. I’ll give it a shot but I fear this series may be short lived. Because if I’m not interested in it from the get go it’s obviously due to fail. DC is catering to me right? 

Justice League
Geoff Johns and Jim Lee working together? I don’t care if this was a Klarion the Witch Boy series I’d pay a lot of good money for it. Actually screw that, I want a Klarion ongoing series.

Wonder Woman
I’ll buy it, I’ll read it, and I’ll probably think it’s mediocre, like Wonder Woman has been for oh so long. I hope I’m proven wrong, I doubt I will be. (yes, even with Azarello)

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