Tomorrow is the day Zelda fans have been waiting for. It's been six years since a console release and even though there's been two pretty good DS games to help me get by, this is what I've been anticipating ever since I finished Twilight Princess. Tomorrow on my break I will go and get my pre-ordered copy of Skyward Sword, and then finished what will most likely be the longest shift of my life. With Skyward Sword is a 25th anniversary orchestra CD, which I am equally excited for. I've been wondering what songs could be on the CD and here's some of my favorite's which I hope will make the cut. I'll extend this list soon, think of it as a teaser. A teaser to great music, and who knows with Skyward Sword out I might have some new favorites within a week.
Legend of Zelda Theme
Anyone who doesn't include this song on a list is only doing to seem cool and different. This one is an obvious pick so I thought I'd throw it out there first. It's a classic it's been there from the beginning, it makes me want to stab a Octorok and ride around on a horse. It's awesome.
The Song of Healing
I am not a Majora's Mask fan. I might go into the details why another time, but lets just say it scares the crap out of me. Even though I don't enjoy the game, it has one of my favorite songs in the series. The Song of Healing haunts you, which makes sense when you're looking at what game it comes from. It can be nice and calming if you try to forget that you played it before taking the image of a dying Zora. I also think it's funny that it's Saria's song backwards since that would be on the list of my least favorite LoZ songs.
Temple of Time
I associate this song with the first time I realized just how big Ocarina was. I was pretty young when I played it and thought reaching the temple with the three Spiritual Stones was pretty much if for the game. Anyone who has played the game can get how wrong I was.It was just the beginning. Temple of Time is the song that sticks out in my mind when I exited the temple seven years older with a brand new mission. Which means I associate it with seeing the ReDeads for the first time. Even with that I still love the song.
Ballad of the Wind Fish
I don't know what makes this song stick out so much.Probably because it makes me feel depressed due to the whole island fading away deal. You gather the instruments and save the day, but is it really a win? That island had a Chain Chomp for god sakes!
Fairy Fountain
It's not so much the song itself, but what it represents. The next time most fans will hear this tune is when they put their new game into the Wii. The Fairy Fountain represents the beginning of everything. The start of a journey into a new world, a new addition to Zelda's history, new friends, new foe's, new weapons, a new sidekick and a complete loss of one's social life. Enjoy fellow fans. Enjoy.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2: The Comparison
Mass Effect and its sequel are both amazing, but as someone who played the games one right after another it’s safe to say that they have some distracting differences. I wanted to take a look at the both of them, compare some major changes and the versions I like better. These are the biggest changes that affected me, and hey, maybe Bioware will incorporate the ones I prefer into the third game! A girl can dream.
Battle System
It took me forever to get used to the battle system in the first game so jumping into a different one was pretty devastating for a gun rookie. I preferred the overheating to the bullets but after a while I stopped noticing. My one main concern was with the way Shepard would die. The whole veiny red screen as you get hit more addition was the most infuriating. I know this is a staple of many shooter games because it’s “more realistic” or whatever, but it really caused me to die a lot more than I would have without it. Plus I’m not looking for 100% realism in a game with aliens and space travel. Let me see the screen! Also I was really bad at pressing A twice, which would cause me to jump over whatever I was hiding behind which would mean I’d get shot a lot and my screen would go red and I’d die. This has caused me to say many bad words. I have made baby Jesus cry more than once.
Mass Effect 2 wins this one for sure. Not only because you have the ability to romance more than 1 male and 1 Asari, but because you can go after Garrus. If there is one solid awesome factor in the ME universe it’s Garrus. Though I’m sure ME3 will have an awkward Kaidan vs Garrus moment I’m not looking forward to.
Uh 3 way? |
All I can say is na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey goodbye.
The original Mass Effect went a little overboard on replay when it came to their achievements. They had some great achievements like the weapons based ones and the ones you get for killing enemies, but there were also ones that made you replay the games three times(four for me because I didn’t get the ally achievements on the first go). In no way do I want to play with Ashley Williams, she annoys the hell out of me, but to get the gamerpoints I have to play the game with her. The entire game.
The second Mass Effect lightened up on the difficulty of receiving the achievements. You could get most achievements on your first game if you ported you character from the first Mass Effect. My only problem with the achievements in the 2nd game is Tactician and the Specialist ones. I would use the same methods trying to incinerate armor and warp barriers but it only seemed to work once in a while. Pretty frustrating. This is probably my fault but I’ll blame the game.
My favorite change is the ending. You have the ability to actually continue your game after completing the story. My poor past self didn’t realize that the whole Citadel would get destroyed, thus making it pretty impossible to scan the Keepers. At the end of Mass Effect 2 no planets with assignments on them get destroyed thankfully, so I’m able to keep working on the achievements I need without starting a new game with the same character.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Death and Spider-Man
Spoilers for Walking Dead, Y and Watchmen, but if you haven't read them I pity you.
There are only two mediums where death is looked at as an inconvenience. Soap Operas and Comic Books, and since I know absolutely nothing about Soaps I’m going delve into my least favorite aspect of comic deaths. For most it’s the longevity of death. The fact that the character you’re watching bleed out will be ready for action in a year or two. For me, it’s the fact that we need 5 months of previews, 4 tie in comics, 3 press releases, 2 national headlines, and a partridge in a pear tree to announce the death of a character, before they even die.
There are only two mediums where death is looked at as an inconvenience. Soap Operas and Comic Books, and since I know absolutely nothing about Soaps I’m going delve into my least favorite aspect of comic deaths. For most it’s the longevity of death. The fact that the character you’re watching bleed out will be ready for action in a year or two. For me, it’s the fact that we need 5 months of previews, 4 tie in comics, 3 press releases, 2 national headlines, and a partridge in a pear tree to announce the death of a character, before they even die.
Death, especially in the Marvel and DC comic universe has lost any and all impact it originally held. When a story arc is called “The Death of Spider-Man” the surprise is kinda ruined. Telling us that a character is going to die ahead of the time not only ruins the story the author is creating, but it also takes away any emotion we should feel from the loss.
When I found out Spidey was next to hit the bucket I distanced myself from him emotionally. Which isn’t fair to the character or Bendis who has shaped him to be the great guy he is. I’m not saying that writers should rely on the shock of a death to form a good story, but I’m not denying that good shocking death used in the right context can propel a story to the next level.
This is why comics that fall out of the direct line of Marvel and DC have me gripped. In Walking Dead there is no way that Kirkman was going to tell you Tyrese was dying months before it happens. When I picked up the issue, I didn’t know, and I had to watch the slow agonizing process knowing he wasn’t coming back from a good solid decapitation. Comics like Walking Dead, Watchmen, Y:The Last Man, and many more have impacted me greatly with character death, when they weren’t even my favourite characters, but when ultimate Spidey, one of my all time favourites died, it didn’t feel the same at all.
Sure part of it was because they weren’t coming back, but it was mostly due to the fact that their death wasn’t shoved in my face beforehand. It happened out of the blue. It felt real.
For Marvel and DC death is a gimmick, and I’m usually okay with gimmicks. Whatever keeps my favorite industry in business I’m up for, but when it ruins the experience for the fans that have been supporting the industry for years? I’m less sympathetic.
Nothing stays on the brain like a shocking unexpected death. This is true in real life and it’s also true in fiction. No big lead up. No huge event crossover. No blatantly telling me. If you’re going to kill something I love. Do it right.
yeah, like that |
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A Quick Bat-Note
I was re-reading Scott Snyder's amazing run on Detective Comics when I came across this panel.
Batman sounds like a cross between a hipster and a small child trying to one up another small child.
On a side note the hardcover for this run will be out at the end of November. It's called the black mirror I highly recommend picking it up. This is how I feel about the author Scott Snyder:
He was awesome enough to respond.
If I ever have children I don't think I will be as proud of them as I am that tweet.
Batman sounds like a cross between a hipster and a small child trying to one up another small child.
On a side note the hardcover for this run will be out at the end of November. It's called the black mirror I highly recommend picking it up. This is how I feel about the author Scott Snyder:
He was awesome enough to respond.
If I ever have children I don't think I will be as proud of them as I am that tweet.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
DCU 52 4: Live Free or Relaunch
Well I love Jaime I’d just rather see him with the JSI. Also one time the Scarab made a South Park reference…if that could happen again it would just be peachy.
Suicide Squad
Many important changes are being made in the DCU, and none more important than turning Harley Quinn into a slutty clown who won’t be able to move without a boob slip
Legion Lost/Legion of Superheroes
I’ve never been much of a Legion fan, but Legion Lost looks interesting, I’ll probably stay away from LoS.
Teen Titans
What are they doing to these characters?? Why is Cassie a thief?? At least Tim has a domino mask, but I’m not happy this is his prominent series.
Static Shock
I could go for this, but as usual I will make my prerequisite complaint about how Tim deserves his own series more.
Hawk and Dove
This is a series I’m looking forward to since Birds of Prey is jumping the shark(jumping the King Shark?) This is going to be the most prominent versions of Hawk and Dove I’ve ever been exposed to.
Action Comics
Grant Morrison you say? This should be awesome. I’ll just probably have to read it 4 times to understand it.
I wish George Perez was writing and illustrating, but I’ll take George Perez in anything.
“the same powers as Superman and none of his affection for the people of Earth”. Great, once we finally have a set version of Kara’s personality we have to shake it up again. Plus what is with the knee-less boots? Actually ….I kinda like them.
Another series where it looks like they will change the character a lot. Boo. Again Tim Drake series > Superboy.
I hope the DC characters plays nice with the new Wildstorm people. They’re new you know.
This looks pretty cool actually, but I’d want at least an appearance by Zinda Blake
Sgt Rock and the Men of War
No, this is not Call of Duty
All-Star Western
I really should start reading Jonah Hex eh. But I do prefer my westerns to be in space.
COOL. Uniforms slightly confusing. But, COOL.
I don’t know who this is….. Deadpool?
I’d like to end on a strong note but I literally can’t form an opinion on OMAC. So. Yeah.
Friday, July 15, 2011
DCU 52 3: Man Part Two had an Awesome Rhyme Scheme
After seeing the Green Lantern movie a GOOD GL story is welcome.
Green Lantern Corps
I love Kyle. That is all.
Green Lantern: The New Guardians
I don’t know why we need four GL series, but again I don’t question Batman when he has ten titles so I owe this a chance.
Red Lanterns
This is like the bad boy equivalent to the nice guy Green Lanterns. As a female I am by law required to ditched Green Lantern and go for the Red Lanterns, their motorcycles, and devil-may-care attitudes. It may be wrong but it FEELS SO RIGHT.
Scott Snyder yeah yeah
Detective Comics
Something feels so wrong about renumbering a series that was in its 800’s. I feel dirty reading it, and not in a good way.
Batman & Robin
Although I love the Dick and Damien dynamic, I look forward to seeing how Bruce deals with the little shit. I also look forward to Bruce inevitably punting him off a bridge and then punching Talia in the face for letting such a monstrosity exist in the world.
Batman: The Dark Knight
Slightly darker and knight-ier than the other titles
Oh hey this thing still exists? Well, if it actually comes out I’ll buy it, but I’m not holding out hope.
I’m sad to see the loss of Gotham City Sirens but I think its time for our favorite good-bad girl (bad-good girl?) to regain her own title.
Birds of Prey
Well I already have lowered expectations for this series since DC has decided to take away all the characters that made the series great in the first place, unless that one blonde is Black Canary, but seriously is that Black Canary?
Love Gail, love Babs. I know there is controversy but it’s Gail freaking Simone. You know you’re going to love it.
What was wrong with blue?? I mean seriously, red? Who is he, Tim Drake?
Red Hood & the Outlaws
Is this book about 3 gingers taking their revenge on the population of the earth for all their ginger hating? If not, don’t you wish it was?
Team Nightrunner. All. The. Way.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
DCU Overview 2: Electric Boogaloo
I’m not going to miss Johns working his magic on Arthur like he did for Hal. And I will pay double if they bring back the badass beard!
The Flash
I can’t think of anything clever to say. I just want to read this.
The Fury of Firestorm
The fantastic creative team plus the dynamic between Ronnie and Jason will make me 3 dollars poorer. You better buy this shit.
The Savage Hawkman
Fuck that guy. Boo hoo I can never be with my true love. Go write in your journal and cry along to Simple Plan. I bet your parents don’t understand you either, do they Hawkman?
Green Arrow
I think this series should be about a large investigation into why no one who saw Green Arrow and Oliver Queens beard ever made the connection that they were the same person.
Justice League International
After how amazing the Generation Lost series was, this is one of the new comics I’m most excited about. More Red Rocket!
Mister Terrific
I’m not a big JSA fan so all I know about this series is that the guy is terrific, and prefers the Mister spelling over Mr.
Captain Atom
I don’t think we need this, why can’t he just chill with the JLI?
DCU Presents:
An anthology. This could be good or terrible or mediocre. As you can tell I’m really making a statement about this comic
An anthology. This could be good or terrible or mediocre. As you can tell I’m really making a statement about this comic
Monday, July 11, 2011
DCU 52 Overview
As most people know by now DC comics is re-launching. There will be 52 new comics premiering in September. With this new re-launch I’ve decided to do an in-depth analysis of each of the new comics, and by in-depth analysis I mean 1-3 sentences pulled right out of my ass. Here we go.
Justice League: Dark
I will buy anything with Deadman in it. Also seriously, how do you pronounce Constantine? Is it like teen or tyne?
Swamp Thing
I know not much can compare with Alan Moore’s run on Swamp Thing, but Scott Snyder’s pretty fricken awesome. I go into this one with no helpful knowledge, but a lot of faith.
Animal Man
I’ve never really had the chance to read Animal Man, all I know is that his name is Buddy and he has some “will they won’t they” sexual tension with Starfire…Hopefully the series won’t be about either of those things, I’ll give-er a shot though.
Demon Knights
I like the Middle Ages and rhyming so I’m a go for this one.
Frankenstein: Agent of Shade
Never read Frankenstein as a DC character is he supposed to be Frankenstein’s Monster or Frankenstein himself? How close is this to the Shelly version? How obvious is it that I did no research on the character?
Resurrection Man
I’ve seen this guy appear a few times across the DCU, and I’m intrigued to see the tragic tale they will weave about a man who cannot die, and must bear the burden of becoming accustom to a new power with each life. That or I’m excited to see the violently creative ways they kill him each time.
I, Vampire
I already have my fill with American Vampires. Also I think its strange having a series called I, Vampire and another one called iZombie. I’m looking forward to the 2012 release of I, Mummy (mummies are due for a return).
Don’t really know this character. I’ll give it a shot but I fear this series may be short lived. Because if I’m not interested in it from the get go it’s obviously due to fail. DC is catering to me right?
Justice League
Geoff Johns and Jim Lee working together? I don’t care if this was a Klarion the Witch Boy series I’d pay a lot of good money for it. Actually screw that, I want a Klarion ongoing series.
Wonder Woman
I’ll buy it, I’ll read it, and I’ll probably think it’s mediocre, like Wonder Woman has been for oh so long. I hope I’m proven wrong, I doubt I will be. (yes, even with Azarello)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sandbox Games: In Which I Realize I'm a Horrible Human Being
I love video games. I really really do. I’ve been playing them all my life. My childhood is filled to the brim with memories of me failing at Link to the Past and that armadillo game for the Genesis. But when comic books entered my life in my teenage years, gaming took a back seat. Sure, whenever the newest Zelda or Final Fantasy game came out I would buy them instantly, but with all the time I spent reading I didn’t have as much time to spend on hour long Smash Brothers matches with my little brother.
With my grand return to gaming, one style that is really popular stood out to me as unfortunately one that I am horrible at. That is of course, the open world or “sandbox” games. Not because I am lost without an extremely linear plot, no simply due to the fact that I am a psychotic monster.
A few months ago I popped in Fallout 3 for this first time (yes I told you I was behind) and I did pretty well until I realized you could basically kill anything or anyone your little heart desired. That underground vault was a mass graveyard an hour after I started. I had to restart the game twice before I made it out of the vault without beating everyone to death with my bare hands.
When I thought about my history in gaming my actions totally made sense to me. I thought this was just because I wasn’t used to sandbox games, but really I’ve been this horrible my whole gaming career. The first time I can remember acting like this I was playing a James Bond game for the N64.
The World is Not Enough’s first level takes place in a bank. I don’t even remember what you have to do to finish the level, but what I do remember is that you could use your nifty laser watch to fry the receptionist. Unfortunately if you did that you received an instant Mission Failed. That didn’t stop me from doing it a few more times. Never did beat that game. Also I’m pretty sure I didn’t even know there WAS a plot to Grand Theft Auto a few years after I bought it. Though I do have to say my hooker execution technique is really quite excellent.
It took playing these sandbox games for me to realize that I should probably be a nicer gamer, and hopefully I will complete the games without butchering any important characters. For now, I am still at the beginning of such modern classics as Oblivion, Fallout and Red Dead Redemption. But I can see a change on the horizon. The first step to recovery is realization right? Now, if only I can learn to succeed in most FPS' I may one day earn some real gamer cred.
Once I realized this truth it saddened me. Video games helped shape the socially inept person I am today. So over the past few years I’ve been trying to play more games to make up for lost time. Some may say that’s a waste of time, but I replaced any sort of physical activity with my renewed interest in video games. So there.
Radroaches? That's not what I'd be afraid of Butch |
No not that one |
It took playing these sandbox games for me to realize that I should probably be a nicer gamer, and hopefully I will complete the games without butchering any important characters. For now, I am still at the beginning of such modern classics as Oblivion, Fallout and Red Dead Redemption. But I can see a change on the horizon. The first step to recovery is realization right? Now, if only I can learn to succeed in most FPS' I may one day earn some real gamer cred.
Yeah but guys I've caught like 420 Pokemon. That's totally cooler than Bioshock. Guys? |
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Online Work
I wrote some stuff for a real website! I interned there and everything.
Check it out.
Dual Core Processors
Ain't Nothing but a G Thang
Should You Upgrade to the New 2011 iMacs?
The Ballad of the PlayStation Network Breach
Monday, June 13, 2011
In Defense of Stephanie Brown
In 2009, when the first issue of Batgirl was announced, I was super excited. Batgirl hadn't had her own series for a few years and the Batgirl mantle had always been a favorite of mine, so you could see how this would be exciting news. Would Cass finally be back in the DCU? Could Babs be possibly getting out of that chair? What about Charlie from Birds of Prey, could she be filling that iconic role? It couldn't possibly be Stephanie Brown, the only person who was a worse Robin than Jason, and solely responsible for starting a gang war.
But I still picked up the first issue. Even with such a loathsome character. I read it and wondered how quickly it would take Steph to screw it up.
And then I picked up the next issue.
And the next.
And quickly, I was hooked.
When Stephanie wasn't causing gang wars she was pretty, dare I say, cool. Her sole purpose in life wasn't to be Tim Drake's girlfriend, and I was loving it. It seems like Steph spent her entire comic existence trying to prove herself, but once she did, she was on fire. She is witty, smart, and brave. She is fantastic. The storyline's are great, the dialogue is whip smart, and Stephanie Brown is currently one of my favorite characters. This is all due to the fantastic writer Brian Q Miller.
But now, after 3 more issues Bryan Miller will be off the book. It's being relaunched and Barbara Gordon will be returning to the mantle, and to top if off it's being written by Gail Simone. If you told me this two years ago I would be ecstatic. Nothing would have made me happier. Believe me I am super excited. It's my favorite character being able to walk and kick ass using her legs again. But this victory is bitter sweet. I will miss Steph. I think she's shown so much growth as a character, and I was looking forward to seeing her find her place in the DCU. With the reboot she will probably live in the background again.
Plus, I'll miss Brian Miller, who right now doesn't have any immediate plans with DC, but anyone who can get such turnaround on a character is worth their computer in gold. DC would be fools not to give him another book.
But man, even with this book ending it's been an awesome run. Stephanie proving herself worthy, lipping off Damian, partnering with Supergirl, and working alongside my favorite witch boy.
I refuse to say goodbye to Stephanie Brown and Brian Miller
Only farewell, for now.
The only person who wears purple better is Galactus |
Friday, June 10, 2011
A Quick Note on South Park
About twenty minutes ago I finished watching the latest episode of South Park. You're Getting Old was a pretty big statement. Of what specifically, is being be debated, but I saw it as a comment that it may be time to pull the plug on South Park.
Let me make things clear, not only do I love South Park. It is my favorite show of all time. I can name most of the episode titles by heart, I went as General Disarray for Halloween, I can spell Willzyx without looking, and I think I lost some friends due to my obscure South Park quoting.
I'm not saying this to brag about my lame love, I'm just stating that South Park fills a small void in my heart, and even so I would be okay if it ended. I love Matt and Trey and they have given me some great quality stuff, but if they aren't feeling it, maybe its time to gracefully bow out. But don't end with You're Getting Old. It was great, but man what a bummer.
Just give us seven more classic episodes of South Park, ones about the boys and the town, not about celebrities or trends, give us seven episodes that stand along side the entire 6th-8th season run. I know it's hard to do but lets end on a high note. It's okay. We fans understand. If you want out, we want out. I'd rather see the series end like this then it continue with creators who don't want to be there, contract re-newels be damned!
Lets end this show about an amazing quiet, little, pissant, podunk, jerkwater, greenhorn, one horse, mud hole, peckerwood, right-wing, whistle stop, hobmail, truck driving, old fashion, hayseed, inbred, unkempt, out-of-date, out-of-touch, white trash, kick ass, mountain town.
Let me make things clear, not only do I love South Park. It is my favorite show of all time. I can name most of the episode titles by heart, I went as General Disarray for Halloween, I can spell Willzyx without looking, and I think I lost some friends due to my obscure South Park quoting.
So much duct-tape |
Just give us seven more classic episodes of South Park, ones about the boys and the town, not about celebrities or trends, give us seven episodes that stand along side the entire 6th-8th season run. I know it's hard to do but lets end on a high note. It's okay. We fans understand. If you want out, we want out. I'd rather see the series end like this then it continue with creators who don't want to be there, contract re-newels be damned!
Lets end this show about an amazing quiet, little, pissant, podunk, jerkwater, greenhorn, one horse, mud hole, peckerwood, right-wing, whistle stop, hobmail, truck driving, old fashion, hayseed, inbred, unkempt, out-of-date, out-of-touch, white trash, kick ass, mountain town.
This gets me every time |
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Thoughts at One AM
I spent last night watching Stand by Me. The movie is a classic by any standards, that’s why it’s repeated on television as much as Forrest Gump (this may be an overstatement, nothing gets played even half as much as Forrest Gump).
Never the less, Stand by Me is a movie icon, with great acting by the main cast, which brings me to my point. Where are all the movies starring kids? Specifically groups of kids. Sure there are movies that star the little rap scallions, but in recent times it seems that any movies starring kids is likely aimed towards kids. Movies like Stand by Me and E.T are ones that can be appreciated by kids older than twelve. The Spy Next Door is not.
Hollywood spouts out movies on anything. Board games, talking animals, childhood memories that should not be touched, the list goes on and on, and yet they seem hesitant on the PG-13 rated, kid heavy front. I know there has to be movies that feature children, I’m sure I’m missing out on some indie and foreign films, but even if you calculate my obvious oversights, the kid industry is not as ripe as it once was.
Kids have been able to handle themselves in movies for decades. Watching Stand by Me tonight for the first time since I was the protagonist’s age reminded me that their acting can be more powerful and raw then their adult equivalent. Kids are innocent and blunt, and as annoying as that may be in real life, in movies it can make some of the best experiences. I remember back in the early 90’s almost every movie starred a kid. These kids were misfit or orphan, or both, and they were always smarter than the adults that surrounded them. If you switched the main characters in two classic Christmas movies Kevin McCallister still probably could have taken down Hans Gruber. He was that smart and resourceful. Not to mention the lessons sports coaches like Danny Glover and Emilio Estevez learned from young Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s and certain Mighty Ducks. These kids were the best. Sometimes they said taboo words, sometimes they lead a team of downtrodden losers to win the championship, but there was always a quality in these kids that made them something to look up to. I can’t really think of a modern equivalent for my ten year old brother to idolize.
But what would a group of intelligent, capable, misfit kids look like in the ‘10’s? (Side note: seriously what are we calling this decade?) We will finally get to see a candidate with Super 8. The catch is Super 8 is an homage to the Steven Spielberg sci-fi movies of the late 70’s and early 80’s. So the Elliot from E.T vibe is totally intentional, and even with the groups of kids starring there still seems to be an adult cop that will steal a good amount of screen time. So is the general consensus that kids can’t hold their own movie? It’s not that there’s a lack of fantastic child actors. Hailee Steinfield proved that kids can be pretty fricken amazing when she starred in True Grit (sorry Melissa Leo, but your Oscar belongs in smaller hands). What is it? Hell if I know. I’m only a 20 year old girl making an observation at 1:30 on a Monday morning.
Aside from Super 8, we probably won't see a resurfacing of groups of kids running the show. These types of movies are classics, and maybe they belong in the 80's and early 90's with mesh crop tops and tie-dye. That is unless Super 8 makes a billion dollars, then every 2nd movie will be a poor mans Goonies.
TBS Superstation. All Gump, all the time |
Hollywood spouts out movies on anything. Board games, talking animals, childhood memories that should not be touched, the list goes on and on, and yet they seem hesitant on the PG-13 rated, kid heavy front. I know there has to be movies that feature children, I’m sure I’m missing out on some indie and foreign films, but even if you calculate my obvious oversights, the kid industry is not as ripe as it once was.
Kids have been able to handle themselves in movies for decades. Watching Stand by Me tonight for the first time since I was the protagonist’s age reminded me that their acting can be more powerful and raw then their adult equivalent. Kids are innocent and blunt, and as annoying as that may be in real life, in movies it can make some of the best experiences. I remember back in the early 90’s almost every movie starred a kid. These kids were misfit or orphan, or both, and they were always smarter than the adults that surrounded them. If you switched the main characters in two classic Christmas movies Kevin McCallister still probably could have taken down Hans Gruber. He was that smart and resourceful. Not to mention the lessons sports coaches like Danny Glover and Emilio Estevez learned from young Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s and certain Mighty Ducks. These kids were the best. Sometimes they said taboo words, sometimes they lead a team of downtrodden losers to win the championship, but there was always a quality in these kids that made them something to look up to. I can’t really think of a modern equivalent for my ten year old brother to idolize.
But what would a group of intelligent, capable, misfit kids look like in the ‘10’s? (Side note: seriously what are we calling this decade?) We will finally get to see a candidate with Super 8. The catch is Super 8 is an homage to the Steven Spielberg sci-fi movies of the late 70’s and early 80’s. So the Elliot from E.T vibe is totally intentional, and even with the groups of kids starring there still seems to be an adult cop that will steal a good amount of screen time. So is the general consensus that kids can’t hold their own movie? It’s not that there’s a lack of fantastic child actors. Hailee Steinfield proved that kids can be pretty fricken amazing when she starred in True Grit (sorry Melissa Leo, but your Oscar belongs in smaller hands). What is it? Hell if I know. I’m only a 20 year old girl making an observation at 1:30 on a Monday morning.
Aside from Super 8, we probably won't see a resurfacing of groups of kids running the show. These types of movies are classics, and maybe they belong in the 80's and early 90's with mesh crop tops and tie-dye. That is unless Super 8 makes a billion dollars, then every 2nd movie will be a poor mans Goonies.
Truffle Shuffle! |
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bye Bye Smallville
Last Friday marked the end of Smallville
I spent said Friday night sitting in one(okay two) Superman shirts quietly singing along to Save Me for the last time. It was an emotional night, and with good reason. Even though Smallville probably could fill two entire seasons with its horrible episodes, it was an awesome show that proved you could take Superman, WB him up, and still not suck ass.
When Smallville started I was 11 years old. I was listening to B44, I though Aaron Carter was the coolest, and I was in love with 12 year old Gohan from Dragon Ball Z. A lot has changed since then. I'm pretty sure both Aaron Carter and the members of B44 are sharing the same needle in some ally somewhere, and Gohan went from being an awesome 12 year old who destroyed Cell, to some whiny adult who loved learning. Boo. But Smallville somehow managed not only to stay afloat for a decade, but somehow end on top as well.
Sure, the finale could have had more full frontal costume action, and Darkseid could have been a little more menacing and a little less cloudy, but overall it was a solid finish. A solid finish to a fantastic season. Because anyone who knows Smallville knows that this show was at its best in its last few seasons. It featured way more superheroes, way more action, and way less Lana.
Ah Lana, one last chance to rag on her and I'll take it. Although I feel like watching Booster Gold and Stargirl on screen was worth the seasons of stupidity she filled. I, like many thought she was the worst, but being the loyal fan I am, I watched every moment with her, refused to change the channel, complained about her for years, and paid good money for the seasons she was prominent in. Because that my friends. is how geeks rock shit out.
So this is my quick little goodbye. Thank you WB. For Smallville. For not cancelling it after two seasons like Fox loves doing. For letting the show continue when the worn out producers and 1/3rd of the cast left, and finally, for giving me the chance to see Clark Kent drunk on television.
Now please don't ever try to make Aquaman again.
I spent said Friday night sitting in one(okay two) Superman shirts quietly singing along to Save Me for the last time. It was an emotional night, and with good reason. Even though Smallville probably could fill two entire seasons with its horrible episodes, it was an awesome show that proved you could take Superman, WB him up, and still not suck ass.
When Smallville started I was 11 years old. I was listening to B44, I though Aaron Carter was the coolest, and I was in love with 12 year old Gohan from Dragon Ball Z. A lot has changed since then. I'm pretty sure both Aaron Carter and the members of B44 are sharing the same needle in some ally somewhere, and Gohan went from being an awesome 12 year old who destroyed Cell, to some whiny adult who loved learning. Boo. But Smallville somehow managed not only to stay afloat for a decade, but somehow end on top as well.
Sure, the finale could have had more full frontal costume action, and Darkseid could have been a little more menacing and a little less cloudy, but overall it was a solid finish. A solid finish to a fantastic season. Because anyone who knows Smallville knows that this show was at its best in its last few seasons. It featured way more superheroes, way more action, and way less Lana.
Ah Lana, one last chance to rag on her and I'll take it. Although I feel like watching Booster Gold and Stargirl on screen was worth the seasons of stupidity she filled. I, like many thought she was the worst, but being the loyal fan I am, I watched every moment with her, refused to change the channel, complained about her for years, and paid good money for the seasons she was prominent in. Because that my friends. is how geeks rock shit out.
Worst Comic Wars Ever. I will only see it three more times. Today |
Now please don't ever try to make Aquaman again.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Whosoever Holds This Hammer
Thor came out this weekend, earning a respectable 66 million dollars. I was, as always, at the midnight screening, and even though I got about 4 hours of sleep afterwards I did quite enjoy it. So here's some pictures I took of the event. And by that I mean four pictures most of them showing off my cool Mjolnir replica.
One word: Excellent |
Whoever decided to put this in Comic Sans is a cruel person |
Not worthy. This is worse than the time I couldn't get into the Blue Lantern Corp |
Best character ever |
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Nintendo 3DS Blues
It's the god damned launch titles
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Talia in DKR
When Marion Cotillard was cast in Dark Knight Returns, many Batman fans thought she would be playing the daughter of everyone's favorite Demon Head, Talia al Ghul. Apparently this is not the case. Officially Cotillard will be playing Miranda Tate, a board member of Wayne Enterprises.
Another original Christoper Nolan love interest.
Do I think Bruce needs another love interest like Rachel Dawes? Not at all. The fans don't feel loyal to her because she's an original character, and everyone else dislikes her because, well Rachel was a pretty damn mediocre character for such an awesome franchise.Also she slapped Batman. You do not slap Batman.
But if you ask me (and unfortunately if you continue reading this you are technically asking me), I think this Miranda Tate dame will end up being a cover for Talia al Ghul. If you were trying to infiltrate a company owned by Bruce Wayne, al Ghul isn't exactly a great name to go with.
Though this may be just the wishful hopes of a Talia fan. I mean, I did name my cat after her.
A little more clever than naming a cat Selina |
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Red Robin
I had done it.
I had finally come to terms with Tim Drake's new uniform. I moved past the bowl shaped cowl and left the Doctor Mid-Nite jokes in the past. As a mature responsible adult I finally accepted that some things change and some characters are going to evolve into people with horrendous costumes and names. Then this happened:
Red Robin 19. Red Robins adventures in the Unternet, gave him a snazzy new costume, one that Drake can pull off quite nicely. It has an obvious Nightwing feel, but with a few alterations it could be a hella lot better than the costume he currently wears.
But alas the issue ended and Tim was back in his usual uniform, and I thought that was it for awesome-costume-2.0. Buuuuutt as many of you know, it came back in Red Robin 21. This gives me hope for a cowl-less future for Mr. Drake, which is a nice future since Tim has such great hair, and really his facial structure is much better suited to a domino mask.
Obviously when Red Robin 19 came out fans went crazy over the new costume, so the creative team brought it back, and hey maybe it won't be put away forever. I used my detective skills and found out that we may be seeing the costume again.
So here's to a possible new costume! Our next goal? Name change.
I had finally come to terms with Tim Drake's new uniform. I moved past the bowl shaped cowl and left the Doctor Mid-Nite jokes in the past. As a mature responsible adult I finally accepted that some things change and some characters are going to evolve into people with horrendous costumes and names. Then this happened:
*insert angelic choir here* |
Red Robin 19. Red Robins adventures in the Unternet, gave him a snazzy new costume, one that Drake can pull off quite nicely. It has an obvious Nightwing feel, but with a few alterations it could be a hella lot better than the costume he currently wears.
But alas the issue ended and Tim was back in his usual uniform, and I thought that was it for awesome-costume-2.0. Buuuuutt as many of you know, it came back in Red Robin 21. This gives me hope for a cowl-less future for Mr. Drake, which is a nice future since Tim has such great hair, and really his facial structure is much better suited to a domino mask.
Obviously when Red Robin 19 came out fans went crazy over the new costume, so the creative team brought it back, and hey maybe it won't be put away forever. I used my detective skills and found out that we may be seeing the costume again.
my detective skills at work |
mmm justice |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Comic Reviews: March 09 2011
I'm just going to put this out there. I'm really bad at reviewing things. I'm usually quite a positive person, and I really just enjoy reading comics so it's hard to be critical of them. But I'll try, just for you though. Just this once. I'm also going to try to keep them short and not too reviewer-y. Just if I like them and why.
I'll start this review session with my favorite cover of the week. This week is:
Wonder Woman 608 variant cover by Alex Garner
Justice League: Generation Lost 21: Consistently an excellent comic, but this week made me extra happy due to the ending. Also Red Rocket is quickly becoming one of my new favorite characters. Good
Batgirl 19: I had never really been much of a Stephanie Brown fan until her new series. Something which may have been due to my love for Tim Drake. She also kept screwing up all the time which pissed me off. But now Batgirl is one of my favorite series. Brian Q. Miller has made Stephanie charming, witty, and completely awesome. Batgirl 19 is no different. Good
Wonder Woman 608: Even though it's been 8 issues, Wonder Woman is still trying to find its footing. It's not that I don't enjoy Hesters work, I'm just finding it hard to care about the story or characters. Though I do enjoy the new takes on Artemis, Giganta, and Cheetah. I am looking forward to seeing where the series is headed, but I'm still gonna give this issue a Meh
Ultimate Spider-man 155: I really enjoyed the scene between JJ and Peter. It's nice to see that in this universe Spider-man and Jonah can work alongside each other. I'm a bit skeptical about this whole "death of Spider-man arc. I hate that it's starting so soon I really would have liked to see more of Peter being taught how to be a superhero by Iron Man. Captain America and Thor would have been cool too. Who knows maybe we'll get to see more of that if Spider-man survives his death.Good
Superboy 4: Even though the Superboy vs Kid Flash race should have been awesome, I was pretty underwhelmed by it. This issue felt like a filler issue, which it might have been, but thats no excuse.Plus I'm still really bothered by the Lori Luthor/Superboy we're-totally-not-related-even-though-we-so-are thing. It's really making me not enjoy the series. I do not want to see a budding relationship from two characters who share the same DNA. This is not Arrested Development you can't get away with that. Bad
I'll start this review session with my favorite cover of the week. This week is:
Wonder Woman 608 variant cover by Alex Garner
umm spoiler? |
Justice League: Generation Lost 21: Consistently an excellent comic, but this week made me extra happy due to the ending. Also Red Rocket is quickly becoming one of my new favorite characters. Good
Batgirl 19: I had never really been much of a Stephanie Brown fan until her new series. Something which may have been due to my love for Tim Drake. She also kept screwing up all the time which pissed me off. But now Batgirl is one of my favorite series. Brian Q. Miller has made Stephanie charming, witty, and completely awesome. Batgirl 19 is no different. Good
Wonder Woman 608: Even though it's been 8 issues, Wonder Woman is still trying to find its footing. It's not that I don't enjoy Hesters work, I'm just finding it hard to care about the story or characters. Though I do enjoy the new takes on Artemis, Giganta, and Cheetah. I am looking forward to seeing where the series is headed, but I'm still gonna give this issue a Meh
Ultimate Spider-man 155: I really enjoyed the scene between JJ and Peter. It's nice to see that in this universe Spider-man and Jonah can work alongside each other. I'm a bit skeptical about this whole "death of Spider-man arc. I hate that it's starting so soon I really would have liked to see more of Peter being taught how to be a superhero by Iron Man. Captain America and Thor would have been cool too. Who knows maybe we'll get to see more of that if Spider-man survives his death.Good
Superboy 4: Even though the Superboy vs Kid Flash race should have been awesome, I was pretty underwhelmed by it. This issue felt like a filler issue, which it might have been, but thats no excuse.Plus I'm still really bothered by the Lori Luthor/Superboy we're-totally-not-related-even-though-we-so-are thing. It's really making me not enjoy the series. I do not want to see a budding relationship from two characters who share the same DNA. This is not Arrested Development you can't get away with that. Bad
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